What is Digital Detox Program, give up your mobile and get Rs 8 lakh, know how

What is Digital Detox Program? Digital Detox Program Price Money, last date, official Website, meaning, Challenge, Essay What is Digital Detox? Competition, how much will be the price money, minig

Are you interested in winning Rs 8 lakh? If yes, then you just have to stay away from your mobile. You heard it right, a competition is coming where you can get Rs 8 lakh if ​​you stay away from your mobile.

Will you believe if we say that you will get Rs 8 lakh in exchange for not using your mobile? You may be surprised to hear this, but it is actually part of a competition being held in America. The condition of this competition is that the participant will have to stay away from mobile for a month, and whoever wins it will get a reward of Rs 8 lakh 31 thousand. Now you might be wondering which competition is this? Come, let us know the answers to the questions arising in your mind.

We have to distance ourselves from the digital world

SIGGI is the organization behind this competition. Siggy has named it 'Digital Detox Program'. In simple terms, it means taking a complete break from the digital world, where there will be no access to the internet or mobile technology. In this competition you will have to observe mobile fast for one month. If you complete it successfully, you will be recognized as the winner. There will be a total of 10 winners in this competition.

You will get new challenges if you leave your phone

Siggi has told that in this competition you will be challenged to switch off your mobile and reconnect with the real world. The participants who take part will keep their smartphones in a box and live a traditional life for a month. In exchange for the digital break, winners will receive a retro flip phone with a prepaid SIM card for emergencies and the opportunity to use Siggy Yogurt for three months as part of their tech-free adventure experience.

You too can be the winner of the competition

The company has announced on its website that this year we have brought a new incarnation of 'Dry January'. Where instead of abstaining from alcohol for a month, we're challenging you to put aside your smartphone. We offer you the possibility to live a simple life free from distractions. It is a fact that nowadays phones have become the biggest distraction for all of us, in fact everyone spends an average of more than 5 hours on their phones every day. If you also want to participate in this competition, you can apply till 31st January. Who knows, maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones who can win it.


1, Question: What is 'Digital Detox Program'?

Answer: It is a competition in which the participants have to stay away from their smartphones for a month.

2. Question: Who are the organizers of the competition?

Answer: The organizer of 'Digital Detox Program' is Siggy.

3. Question: What will be the reward for winning the competition?

Answer: Winners will receive a $10,000 retro flip phone and three months of Siggy Yogurt.

4, Question: What is the last date to participate in the competition?

Answer: The last date to participate in the competition is 31st January.

5. Question: How many winners will there be in the competition?

Answer: There will be a total of 10 winners in the competition.

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