Why in discussion 

On December 18 , 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the New Bhaur Dedicated Freight Corridor Project from New Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Nagar.

Key points 

This dedicated freight corridor project has been started with the objective of providing faster speed to trains transporting coal from the major coal mining areas of Eastern Coalfields , Central Coalfields , Bharat Coking Coalfields and Northern Coalfields of Jharkhand and West Bengal.

The commissioning of this segment will help in providing seamless connectivity to power stations in Northern India and reduce the storage cost of power stations.

At the same time , there is a possibility of increase in freight transportation from steel plants of Jharkhand , West Bengal and Odisha to the consumption centers of North India.

The average speed of goods trains on this section will be 60 to 70 km per hour and these trains can run at a speed of 100 km per hour.

Along with this, in view of the vision of self-reliant India, better access of local industries to national and international markets will be possible.

This will encourage agriculture , food processing , MSME and handicraft industries.

According to Railways, Eastern DFCC will increase the additional capacity of 240 goods trains per day and will reduce the time cost of express and passenger trains.

Dedicated Fred Corridor Project

Dedicated freight corridor is an independent corridor for freight trains.

At present the average speed of goods trains across the country is 35-40 km per hour.

About one and a half kilometer long two-storey goods train will run at a speed of 150 km per hour (maximum) on DFC.

This will more than double the cargo carrying capacity. These goods trains will also run on electric engines, which will greatly reduce the operating expenses.

Goods trains on normal tracks can have containers up to 4.26 meters high, while DFC will have double stack containers up to 7.1 meters high.

The width of the container for goods trains on normal tracks is 3.2 metres, while in DFC it will be 3.66 metres.

The length of a goods train on a normal track is up to 700 meters, whereas in DFC it will be double this, 1500 meters.

A goods train on a normal track can carry a maximum of 5400 tonnes of freight, while a train running on DFC will have a freight carrying capacity of 13,000 tonnes.

Question For Pri Exam:

Consider the following statements.

(a) On December 18 , 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the New Bhaur Dedicated Freight Corridor project from the new Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Nagar.

(b) The commencement of this section of the Dedicated Fred Corridor Project will help in providing seamless connectivity to power stations in Northern India and reduce the storage cost of power stations.

(c) On this section of the Dedicated Freight Corridor Project, the average speed of goods trains will be 60 to 70 km per hour and these trains can run at a speed of 100 km per hour.

How many of the above statements are correct?

(a) only one

(b) only two 

(c) all three 

(d) none

Answer: (c)

Main Exam Question: - 

What is Dedicated Freight Corridor Project? Highlight the importance of the Dedicated Fred Corridor project.

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