Biography, story, essay of Jodha Akbar: Jodha Akbar ki kahani

History of Jodha Akbar: This is an interesting story about which it has not been possible to get certified information till now, but still everyone wants to know the love story of Jodha Akbar. If this is the imagination of a writer then it is also very unique. The creation which has eliminated the difference between imagination and reality is actually the greatness of the writer. Jodha Akbar love story has laid the foundation of fusion of Hindu Muslim culture. 

Biography, story, essay of Jodha Akbar: Jodha Akbar ki kahani

Biography of jodha akbar

Biography of Akbar :

He was a Mughal ruler who gained fame by the name of Mohammad Jalaluddin Akbar. He is known as the most successful Mughal ruler in history. He became a king who was lovingly accepted by both the Hindu and Muslim communities, hence he was honored with the name of Zil-e-Lahi. It was during the rule of Akbar that there was a confluence of Hindu and Muslim culture, which is clearly evident from the carvings of that time. The congregation took place in temples and mosques and both were given the status of equal respect. Whenever we see this form of history, the only question that arises is why? Why did a powerful ruler like Akbar also love Hindu culture? Then from the pages of history comes the voice of that love story which we call Jodha Akbar.

Full NameMohammad Jalaluddin Akbar
Birth Death1542- 1605
ParentsNawab Hamida Bano Begum Sa
WifeRuqaiya Begum, Salima Sultan Begum and Mariam uz-Zamani Begum (Jodha)

Biography of Jodha :

She was a Rajputani girl known by many names like Harka Bai, Heer Kunwar. She was the daughter of King Bharmal and the wife of a Mughal ruler. Jodha was a Rajput and Akbar was a Mughal ruler. Their marriage was not a love affair but a political agreement. But still this relationship is known as a love story.

Full NameHeer Kunwar/ Jodha Bai/ Harka Bai
Birth DeathDifference
Religionhindu prince
ParentsRaja Bharmal- Manavati Sahib
Jodha Akbar is a historical story which is said to be the most memorable love story in history. Many films and TV serials have also been made on Jodha Akbar, due to which the interest of today's people towards Jodha Akbar has increased a lot. Many historians and native Rajasthani people opposed the films and serials made on these stories of Jodha Akbar. Due to which people became excited to know what was the truth of Jodha-Akbar?

Jodha Akbar is a love story. In fact, there is no specific evidence of its existence. Akbar was the emperor of the Mughals who with his power had brought India under the control of the Mughals. At that time, Akbar's enemies were Rajputana, which we know as the war between Akbar and Pratap.

Akbar made some strategies to subdue India which included war and compromise. Akbar had a huge military force with which he could easily hoist his flag on the inheritances, but in all this, a lot of blood was shed which Akbar did not like in many ways, hence he also adopted the policy of compromise under which he could marry the daughters of other kings. By marrying people and building relationships with them with respect, he used to bring those kingdoms under his control without any loss of life. In those days, Akbar's biggest enemies were the Rajputs, whom he used to subdue in one of these two policies. When Akbar had a war with King Bharmal, he captured his three sons. Then King Bharmal made a compromise in front of Akbar. He extended his hand to Akbar and thus Princess Jodha, daughter of King Bharmal, was married to Akbar. According to tradition, Jodha was to adopt the Mughal religion but Akbar did not insist on this. This was the basis of Jodha Akbar's love story because Akbar did not want to force the Mughal Empire on the country, hence history calls Akbar a good ruler. Due to this behavior of Akbar, a feeling of love for Akbar arose in the mind of Princess Jodha and she introduced Akbar to Hindu culture. Perhaps this is why Akbar became a beloved ruler in both religions. Apart from this, Akbar spent his childhood with a Hindu family. During the war, his father Humayun had to spend many days in exile, due to which he had to live with a Hindu family, due to which Akbar also had respect for Hindu culture. Akbar had many wives but still his mind was more attached to Jodha, the reason for which was Jodha's fearless behavior which Akbar liked very much. Jodha always showed Akbar the path of right and wrong which proved helpful in making Akbar a beloved king.

Jodha became the Mariam uz-Zamani of the Mughal Empire (whose children become kings). Jodha had her first two children (Hassan Hussain) who died after a few months. Later, Jodha's son Jahangir ruled the Mughal Empire.

Similarly, due to the relations between Mughal and Rajputana, we are able to see the inclusion of Hindu and Mughal carvings. Akbar had given permission to Jodha to build a temple in the fort, due to which the integration of these two cultures was seen at that time, which is a very unique confluence.

But many historians called the story of Jodha Akbar wrong, according to them there is no solid evidence of Jodha's existence in any historical book. According to some historians, Jodha was the Rajputana Baigum of Akbar's son Jahangir. According to many historians, Jodha is an imaginary character from the pen of some writer. Rajasthani people say that no Rajput woman was married to Akbar and some say that Rajputana Baigum was known by some other name than Jodha. Many similar stories are told in the context of Jodha Akbar's love.

Ashutosh Gowarekar, who made the film on Jodha Akbar, also faced many difficulties and faced a lot of opposition, about which he said that he made his film after reading historical books, research and talking to many good historians. According to him, Akbar's Rajputana was Baigam but they had different names, one of which was Jodha.

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